The Feelings Map

The Feelings Map:

Feeling Map Image

The Feelings Map is designed to allow a client to drag emoticons and feelings words onto a bulls-eye target image.  I’ve had tremendous success using this tool with young children, older teens, and adults.

When a client has difficulty explaining his or her feelings, I will open this file on my desktop computer (it works best on a screen that can display two pages side by side) and ask my client to place their strongest feelings in the center of the target and other feelings further from the center.

I originally designed this tool in Microsoft Publisher.  In creating a version for others to use, I’ve created it in Microsoft Word, in the hopes that more people will have access to and be familiar with Word. I also improved the form I originally developed to include more choices for feelings and based my groupings of feelings on an established system for organizing feelings.


Click on the link to download your own copy in Microsoft Word of The Feelings Map:

If you’d rather have your clients draw on The Feelings Map, here’s a pdf version for printing:

I’ve tried to make the form self-explanatory. However, for basic instructions on how to move the emoticons around, and create custom emoticons, read the Feelings Map Instructions page.  Or, if you prefer, you can download the Feelings Map Instructions page.